Comprehensive Addiction and Psychological Evaluation -5

Author: Norman G. Hoffmann, Ph.D.


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The CAAPE-5 is a comprehensive interview that documents substance specific and common mental health conditions based on the DSM-5. It also informs three dimensions of the ASAM Criteria. Download a sample report below.


  • Consistent and efficient identification of problems among adults
  • DSM-5 compatible diagnostic documentation
  • Empirically validated relapse risks indicators
  • Instant report of findings
  • Inform ASAM Criteria Dimensions 1,3, & 5

Conditions Covered

  • All substance use disorders
  • Major depressive episode
  • Manic episode
  • Bipolar indications
  • Panic disorder
  • PTSD
  • Indications of anxiety and obsessive compulsive issues
  • Antisocial personality disorder
  • Screens for other personality disorders: borderline, paranoid, schizoid, and dependent


Initial clinical intake: The CAAPE‐5 is an ideal tool for performing a mental health and substance use disorder assessment as part of any routine clinical intake when both addictions and mental health disorders need to be considered.

Drug court evaluations: The CAAPE-5 covers conditions that should be considered by the court in adjudicating individuals in drug court proceedings.

Documentation of severity: The DSM‐5 defines severity for substance use disorders in terms of the number of positive diagnostic criteria. Research has also documented that five of the eleven criteria are more strongly associated with a severe diagnosis.

Verification of improvement: Reviewing disorders with positive diagnostic findings can determine if the conditions have improved or if remission can be documented.

Informing Dimensions 1, 3, and 5 of the ASAM Criteria:

  • Dimension 1: The CAAPE‐5 questions on recent use patterns can identify possible withdrawal
  • Dimension 3: The extensive coverage of mental health conditions provides substantial information
on commonly occurring co‐occurring conditions.
  • Dimension 5: Both demographic and clinical content covered by the CAAPE‐5 are related to relapse
risks after addictions treatment.

Motivational enhancement: Reviewing CAAPE‐5 results with clients can aid in motivational enhancement. Individuals who are presented with the detailed behaviors and symptoms of their conditions may be more likely to accept referral and become engaged in their treatment plans.

Other common applications: Evaluation of adults in child protection cases and identification of problem prevalence among inmates in local jails.


  • Time requirement from 30 to 45 minutes depending on the number of positive responses
  • Two online administration options:
    • Computer prompted - clinician/technician reads questions and enters response
    • Computer administered - clinician/technician sets up interview and patient interacts directly with the program
  • Paper option: purchase interview in booklet form from
    • Training on the use of the paper version available from Evince Diagnostics
    • Purchased in packets of 25 interviews with summary form for scoring